Curriculum vitae

Dr. Antje Burkamp, MD
FMH Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine, focus on paediatric cardiology

I completed my training in paediatric cardiology at Münster University Hospital in Germany (Prof. Dr. J. Vogt, MD) and at the Children's Hospital Zurich (Prof. Dr. U. Bauersfeld, MD) and in 2011 I was awarded an FMH degree in paediatric cardiology.


2011 Specialist designation paediatric cardiology FMH
2008 Specialist designation neonatology
2005 Paediatrician
2000 Doctor’s degree from University of Münster

Professional History

02/2012 Took over the clinic of Dr. P. Harcuba, MD, specialism in paediatrics
2011 - 2012 Paediatric clinic, Dr. P. Harcuba, MD, specialism in paediatrics
2008 - 2011 Children’s Hospital Zurich, Prof. Dr. U. Bauersfeld, MD, paediatric cardiology
2001 - 2008 University of Münster, Prof. Dr. J. Vogt, MD, paediatric cardiology, paediatrics and neonatology
1995 - 1998 Student assistant at the hospital, internal medicine
1994 - 1995 Anatomy assistant

International experience

Seit 2010 to present Foreign humanitarian assistance in Eritrea (Africa) as a paediatric cardiologist on the team of Dr. A. Urban, MD/ARCHEMED supported by Video
1997 Paediatric surgery, Mr. E.M. Kiely, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
1997 Internal medicine, Dr. R. McKenneany, General Hospital Tralee, Ireland


Swiss Society for Paediatric Cardiology (SGPK)
Zurich Paediatricians (VZK)
Swiss Medical Association (FMH)

German, English, French

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